Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Qualifying For Moving Tax Deductions

Footing the bill for a big move across state or even across the country can be a difficult pill to swallow. Some people can recover a portion of the costs, however, thanks to IRS-allowed moving tax deductions.

The trick is figuring out whether a move qualifies or it doesn't. If it does, the return against income taxes can be a rather big one, making it worth checking out. It doesn't even matter if professional movers are use or if a family goes it alone, some deductions might be possible.

GoMovers.com has an article that breaks down the standard qualification rules for this type of tax deduction. The article for movers on moving tax deduction rules makes it very easy to see the three major factors involved.

For the IRS to agree a move is worthy of a tax write off, these rules or a few other alternate rules must be met. In general, the law stipulates that a move must be work-related, it needs to cover a certain distance and a person must work at that job (or another one in the area) for a set period of time to qualify. The article on tax deductions explains it in more detail.

Paying movers, traveling long distance and setting up a new house can be a very costly venture indeed. Qualifying for moving tax deductions might not cover the entire bill, but it can really help lessen the loss.

It's worth checking out.

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