Friday, March 09, 2007

Moving Companies And Insurance

Loading up all your personal possessions onto the back of a truck driven by a stranger can be hard. What can be even harder is finding out that 20 miles down the road the truck’s load was stolen.

This is a case where having very good moving insurance might just save the day. While insurance can’t replace sentimental possessions, it can make the burn of losing clothing, electronics and furniture a little less painful.

Unfortunately, most people who move just don’t understand the kind of insurance or “valuation” moving companies offer. Yes, it’s true loads are covered by the companies, but how much is covered, however, can vary greatly. The fact is many people will need to purchase extra insurance or find out if their homeowner’s or rental policies cover transport to fully ensure their belongings are properly protected. has a piece that explains the ins and outs of moving companies and the insurance they offer. The article on moving companies makes it clear that reading the fine print is important.

While it’s not likely articles on a moving company truck will become damaged, lost or stolen, bad things can happen. Having the peace of mind of insurance can take some of the burden of moving day away.

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