Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Clothes Packing Tips For A Move To Florida

Moving to Florida can be a huge adventure. From the sunshine and beaches to the amusement parks, museums, history and wildlife, there’s so much to see in this state that’s unique.

Unfortunately, many who make the trek south to lay down roots in Florida don’t pack right for the occasion. There is a false belief that Florida weather never makes the mercury dip below 70 degrees.

I’m here to tell you, it’s not true. Sure, the first winter seems balmy and practically perfect in every way. After a while, however, the occasional freezes really start to feel cold. With this in mind, it’s a very good idea for those moving south to pay attention to good clothes packing tips. has a fantastic article that offers all kinds of advice on what clothes to pack when moving to Florida. The clothes packing tips article doesn’t suggest taking every parka and jacket, but it strongly recommends bringing along at least one good jacket, sweaters, gloves and even a warm hat.

While it’s quite true most days in Florida are balmy and sometimes down right hot, it can and does get cold, as well. Finding the right cold weather gear can be difficult in this state, so bringing them along for the ride is absolutely in order.

Take it from this Florida resident, a good warm jacket is like gold during a wintertime freeze.

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At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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