Saturday, February 03, 2007

Amtrak Car Shipping For Florida Auto Transport

Moving to Florida from the Northeast can be a whole lot of fun, but the drive isn’t. The trek from New York, Maryland, Virginia and so on can be long, made especially so by the worries that go along with moving.

When my family moved from Upstate New York to Florida, I remember the drive being the worst part of the deal. While I would have normally seen it as an adventure, the long trek with so much work waiting at the end of it just didn’t sit right.

Recently, I came across an article on that describes one heck of alternative. The article on Amtrak car shipping talks about a service that moves both car and driver in style. All passengers need to do is load up, kick back and relax.

While the Amtrak car shipping service only departs from Lorton, Virginia, (near D.C.) and arrives in Sandford, Florida, it most certainly removes most of the hassle. Lorton is fairly easy to get to from anywhere in the Northeast and Sandford is just about dead center in Florida.

After reading this, I really wish my family had known about Amtrak car shipping when we made the Sunshine State our home. It sure would have made our Florida moving adventure a whole lot more fun.

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At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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